Rock Climbing

Summary of climbing trends

Summary of climbing trends

The summary of climbing trends can be divided into four categories:

Speed, endurance, bouldering and a combination that we will get to know below:


Speed trend

Among the trends in the field of rock climbing: speed trend

In 2017, speed climbing was defined as an Olympic sport.

And a record for it. A route was registered by the World Mountaineering Federation.

From then on, official speed races will be held on it.

The designer of this route was one of the prominent climbing instructors named Jackie Godoff.

that the path with a beautiful design and clips inspired by the starfish.

Designed with a hardness of 11.5C. And from that year onwards (2017).

The official speed competitions of the World Climbing Federation are held on the wall and the standard speed route.

And here it is proud that the current world speed record is held by an Iranian climber named Reza Alipour with a time of 5448.


The technical specifications of the standard speed wall include the following:


The standard speed wall (two lines) is 15 meters high and 6 meters wide.

which includes a total of 41 panels of one and a half by one and a half meters.

Each panel has 11 rows of horizontal holes and 11 rows of vertical holes.

And it is installed with a negative slope of five degrees and a distance of 21 centimeters from the ground.

Also, to hold standard wall team speed competitions,

It should be installed in 4 lines that are 15 meters high and 12 meters wide.

The color of the speed wall is gray

And with resin and without any kind of complications, each track contains 31 clamps, 21 of which are large and 11 of which are small.


Map of the World Federation:

which should be designed and closed according to the map provided by the World Mountaineering Federation,

The color of the clip should also be red.

The clamps used in the standard speed track are designed in Doghalab

The large size clip is inspired by a starfish and the small size clip is similar to a sea shell.

Every type of clip produced must be in accordance with the criteria specified by the World Mountaineering Federation in terms of mold, resin and even the color of the metal in order to be approved by this institution.


Image number 1-4 of the lead wall

Image number 1-4 of the lead wall  Picture number 1-1 Climbing speed clamp Image number 1-2 of the 15-meter wall of speed


Endurance tendency

The rope head or the difficulty of the route is the main trend of indoor climbing. In this trend, one climbs the path of the high wall

And while climbing, put the rope connected to the harness (climbing seat) one by one in the middle supports (quick draw).

A person’s score is determined by the number of clips he has taken. In this trend, the shape of the wall, the number of clamps, the slope of the wall can be different anywhere.

Also, for beginners, this route is climbed in the form of pulleys that are connected to the end of the route by a rope.

Bouldering tendency

In this trend, the person climbs short and skillful routes on the wall and safety mats are used to support the person.

In bouldering competitions, unlike top rope, one can have more than one attempt on the route.

A person’s score is determined by the number of routes completed and the number of attempts required.

Picture number 1-4 bouldering wall

Picture number 1-4 bouldering wall

Mixed orientation

In this trend, racers are ranked based on their performance in three trends, lead, speed, and bouldering, and the total points of the three trends.


Buying and installing a climbing wall

Bamdad Sports Production Group. With a brilliant history in the field of design, production and installation of all kinds of climbing walls for different spaces.

Among them, climbing clubs, schools, game centers and military organizations are ready to cooperate with all organizations to install climbing walls.

For advice on buying climbing walls, you can contact Bamdad technical experts.

Also, this production group produces all kinds of climbing equipment, including climbing clamps, climbing volumes, climbing mats and wooden climbing fitness equipment.

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