Recreational rock climbing wall of Parvin Etisami school in Tabriz

Location Tabriz
Year 1400
Employer Parvin Etesami school
Execution time three days
Dimensions Area 46 square meters
4 meter hieght

Recreational rock climbing wall of Parvin Etisami School of Tabriz, with an area of ​​46 square meters, was designed and implemented by Bammad sports production group in accordance with the standards of the Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Federation in three lines of fun wall or recreational recreation and one volumetric wall.

Installation of recreational rock climbing wall in Tabriz Parvin School

Climbing wall in Tabriz school

Maze mystery climbing wall

In this wall, while climbing the wall, the student must guide the two levers at the bottom of the wall up through the winding path to get the golden stars.

Amusement climbing wall (fan wall) balloon

In this line, the student must go up with the help of balloons and by pulling the rope attached to each balloon, the light of each balloon will be inflated in the same color.

Volumetric climbing wall

In this part, an attempt has been made to simulate a sample of natural rocks with the same slopes and angles (of course, with a lower degree of difficulty and suitable for the age of the students). While climbing the wall and moving in different directions, the student can measure his endurance and physical strength.

Designing and installing the school’s climbing wall

Considering the prevalence of the use of virtual space among students, which has caused them poor mobility. The existence of a physical education class with exciting games can be a stimulus to encourage students to play along with sports, and the entertainment climbing wall can be a good suggestion for this. While climbing, the climber, who has to use all his movement organs, needs to choose the best route to climb, which strengthens his thinking ability.

Buying and installing a climbing wall

Bamdad sports production group with a brilliant history in the field Design, production and installation of all kinds of climbing walls for different spaces including rock climbing clubs, climbing wall, schools, game centers and military organizations are ready to cooperate with all organizations to install climbing walls. For advice about Buy climbing walls You can with Bamdad technical experts Call.


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