Bamdad products price list

Bamdad Sports Production Group products With high diversity and made of the best materials, it has the best quality in the world and can compete with other countries. You can see the price list of Bamdad products in this article:

These products have the highest standards in terms of strength, surface roughness, beauty and design and are approved by the Mountaineering Federation, which are produced by Iranian engineers and masters.

Molecular climbing clamp setPlease click here to download the price list of Bamdad’s wooden clamps and fitness equipment

Scope 441 climbing volume

Click here to download the price list of Bamdad volumes

Bammad company is active in the production and sale of all kinds of wooden fitness equipment, such as climbing simulators, hangboards, etc.

It provides all kinds of climbing clips, climbing volumes, bouldering mats, etc.

In addition to the mentioned products

This company is ready to produce, design and install all kinds of rock climbing walls according to the purpose and location of your request (clubs and sports halls, amusement parks, schools, kindergartens, etc.) in Tehran and other cities.

  • For more information about these products, you can call 09055290600 and 09132360600.
  • You can also follow us on Instagram at @bamdadclimbing