
Yoga wall or yoga wall

Yoga wall or yoga wall

In this article, we tried to discuss yoga wall or yoga wall:


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The basis of yoga wall or yoga wall

Using a wall for support and balance

While they are easy to do, it is not a new thing in itself

But the measures that yogis have thought of to build a wall of their own

It has made the current Yoga Wall with a world of new capabilities at hand.
Yoga Wall was originally developed by BKS Iyengar.

When he attached simple ropes to the wall

and used it to improve the performance of asanas.

Yoga students, no matter what style they work in

They are aware of the effects of a wall in supporting and achieving balance.

But it can be said that this was Iyengar Yoga

which has employed the use of the wall as a serious level of training to this day.

It may seem a little scary to perform various postures on a wall at first.

But today, the latest yoga wall models are a completely supportive and safe device

which helps the students to do their exercises easily and with complete security and focus more on it.

Is Yogawal only for yogis?

In recent years, Yogaval has been opened to fitness clubs, pilates, rock climbing and even homes.

Because for different athletes, working with yogaval can be as good and useful as a full massage and cause the muscles and tissues to be released.

This wall is a very suitable option for employees sitting behind a desk to relieve the pressure and tension on their neck, spine and shoulders.

So it should be known that today’s Yoga Wall is actually not made only for yogis.

Rather, it is a fun tool for performing various stretching movements and useful for all athletes or anyone who wants to enjoy stretching and strength training.

Since stretching and strength exercises are sometimes exhausting and boring,

The existence of tools that strengthen the sense of competition and play while performing these exercises is a very suitable option for all athletes.

For this reason, a yoga wall can be integrated with compass board [1], peg board [2], hoop, TRX [3], simulator [4] and similar tools.

to have a unique and fun collection of tools for stretching, strength and concentration exercises.


A silent exercise

Yogavale offers us great versatility

And it helps the yogi to maintain his suspension state without leaning and putting pressure on the body.

For this reason, Yogaval acts as a good training partner

Because it makes it possible to remain in the stretching and inverted positions for a longer period of time

And as a result, blood and energy flow in the body for a longer period of time.

Experienced students will understand easily

that a yogawal allows them to do things

which they were not able to do on the ground, such as standing completely upside down and suspended (Batman Mode).

Also, students who have neck and back problems are easily noticed

that Yogaval removes the limitations they had to perform movements on the ground.


Bamdad company over the years, its activity.

It has always been concerned with the production of equipment and climbing walls that are compatible with the most up-to-date technology in the world.

Based on this, relying on the power of internal engineers and employing expert and efficient staff. It is on this path.

Approved by the Mountaineering and Sports Climbing Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran:

Federation of Mountaineering and Sports Climbing,

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