The climbing wall of Hazrat Maryam Naeen school

Location Naeen
Year 1400
Employer education
Execution time two days
Dimensions Length 2 meters

3 meters wide

The rock climbing wall of Hazrat Maryam Nain School was designed, produced and installed by Bamdad sports production group for the school students to practice rock climbing and play, and it has the approval of the Mountaineering Federation. The material of the climbing wall is the best and highest quality wood.

The presence of climbing walls in schools will increase the mobility and intelligence of students. In this way, before climbing the wall, the child uses the abilities of his mind by checking the path and choosing the best path, and climbing the wall will make the child cheerful and active. Contact us about the design and installation of the climbing wall.

Swedish ladder

In addition to the installed climbing wall, the Swedish ladder is also designed and manufactured by Bammad company, which is used to increase the agility and physical strength of students. Click here to buy the Swedish ladder.

Climbing mat

To protect students from injury, a special climbing mat was also considered and installed. Bammad safety mats will be made with the highest quality and the best material in your custom sizes to suit your club or gym. For more information, purchase or advice about climbing mats, safety mats, sports mats, etc., you can contact Bammad experts. (91300015-021) be in touch.

Buying and installing a climbing wall

Bammad Sports Production Group With a brilliant record in the field Design, production and installation of all kinds of climbing walls for different spaces including rock climbing clubs, schools, game centers and military organizations are ready to cooperate with all organizations to install climbing walls. For advice about Buy climbing walls You can call Bamdad technical experts.

Also, this production group produces all kinds of climbing equipment, including climbing clamps, climbing volumes, climbing mats, and wooden climbing fitness equipment.

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